8 Modules Of Singing

The Superior Singing Method system gives you over 31 dynamic vocal training exercises and techniques, divided into the following modules:

Module 1:
Unique Vocal Warm Up Exercises
The lessons and exercises within Module 1 are the foundation for the entire Superior Singing Method program and will get you started on the right food for rapid vocal improvement.
You’ll learn:
Fundamentals of singing and unique exercises that will begin to unlock your voice.
How To start improving your pitch, tone, vocal agility, and vocal strength.
These exercises are essential for getting your voice prepared for the rest of the program.
My 50-80-20 principle to get the most out of your training and avoid vocal strain.

Module 2:
Breath Management and Diaphragm Breathing
Module 2 will give you the knowledge and foundation you need to develop the best habits for optimum singing performance. Many problems or frustrations you may be experiencing when you sing will start to be corrected here.
You’ll learn:
The key principles of singing correctly and getting the most out of your voice
How to sing with a more steady and controlled voice
Improve your ability to sing on key, hit higher notes, and sing those notes with more power.

Module 3:
Mastering Vocal Tone
Vocal tone is that unique quality that makes your voice different from everyone else’s in the world. This can be a great thing if you have developed your tone and know how to get the most out of your vocal tone.
You’ll learn:
How to take your voice to the next level so that you sound like the best “you” that you can.
Discover how to eliminate nasality from your voice
A trick that makes your voice sound full and rich even when you are singing notes in the very top of your range.

Module 4:
Improving Pitch
If you have ever heard a singer that is off key and singing out of tune you have heard how bad it sounds to have bad pitch. The good news is that great pitch is not something that you have to be born with…it can be improved if you know how.
You’ll learn:
Tips and exercises that will develop your pitch so that you are always on key
Begin to develop your ear so that you can nail any note with confidence
How to shape your vowels in order to maintain excellent pitch at all times

Module 5:
Resonance and Singing With Power
In Module 5 you will learn how to use resonance to sing with more power while maintaining a great vocal tone. You will build your vocal stamina so that you can sing with a stronger voice for longer without fatigue.
You’ll learn:
How to eliminate a very specific type of tension that will kill your vocal resonance and ability to really sing with power.
You will get exercises that will develop your resonance and strengthen your voice.
Develop your ability to sound like a strong confident singer who can project with amazing rich tone

Module 6:
The Mix Voice and Singing Higher Notes
In Module 6 you’ll get some very unique exercises that you will not find anywhere else in the world that are excellent for quickly expanding your vocal range so that you can sing higher notes with less strain and without cracking or breaking.
You’ll learn:
How to sing these higher notes without straining your voice so that you can sing higher with ease
You will develop your mix voice so that you can sing higher notes with more power, better vocal tone, and less strain
You will smooth out the transition points in your voice so that when you sing you will no longer experience cracks or breaks

Module 7:
Improving Vocal Agility
In this module you will develop your vocal agility which is the ability to bounce from note to note and stay on pitch. When you hear singers do vocal runs or move quickly from note to note they are using their vocal agility.
You’ll learn:
How to rapidly sing from note to note including making large vocal jumps in your range while singing the correct notes perfectly
Vocal exercises that will specifically train your voice to move from note to note with more precision and control
How to do vocal runs without sliding up or down to the correct note and also develop your overall pitch even more

Module 8:
Advanced Strengthening and Vocal Techniques
If you are like most singers, your goal is not just to be an average singer but rather a great singer. This module is where you will learn advanced techniques that will allow you even greater control and vocal ability.
You’ll learn:
How to sing with and develop your vibrato
Vocal exercises that are designed to challenge your voice so that you can break through any plateaus you may experience – singing higher notes, gaining more power, increasing your range, improving your pitch, agility, and vocal stamina to sing for longer periods without fatigue

Much much more…

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